建造一个实现多级教育、容纳3000多名不同年龄层的学生就读的学校需要在注重建筑设计的同时保证功能的发挥。建筑师Michel Petit与Johannes Schilling受到德国音乐家巴赫的启发,用“矛盾中统一”的理念应对了这个难题,完成了卢森堡马默的欧罗巴学校二期项目。
Developing a school campus for over 3000 pupils of different ages and at different stages of education requires architecture that unites through design whilst being simultaneously open in terms of function. The architects Michel Petit and Johannes Schilling tackled this multifaceted task for European School II in Mame, Luxembourg with their concept “Contrariness in Unity”, which was inspired by the musician Johann Sebastian Bach.
项目详情 Project details
欧罗巴学校二期 Europe School 2
旭格产品Products:旭格AWS 75.SI窗系统,旭格烟热排除通风系统SHEVS,旭格 TipTronic,旭格FW 60+.SI幕墙系统
项目地点Location:卢森堡马默Mamer, Luxembourg
建筑事务所Architects:Michel Petit Architecte
专业顾问Specialist:Sermelux Aluminium SA
They created an ensemble of buildings which provides children with an identifiable and enjoyable learning and living space. The generous proportions of the light penetration as well as the effective fire- and smoke protection, created with window, façade and SHEVS systems from Schüco, play a significant role in this.
项目最大的技术难点是安装852扇旭格TipTronic窗扇,由356个总线组集中控制。为此,旭格与建筑师紧密合作,完成开发与安装。此外,为了满足卢森堡建筑当局的节能要求,幕墙的U值(隔热标准数值)小于0.7 W(m2K)。
The greatest technological challenge was the 852 TipTronic window vents, which are controlled via 356 BUS line groups. They were developed and installed in close collaboration with Schüco. In order to meet the strict requirements of the energy policies set out by the Luxembourg building authorities, façades with a U value of less than 0.7 W(m2K) were created.